
John Smith

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7 Arved C. Hübler, Peter Linde, John Smith: Electronic Publishing '01, 2001 in the Digital Publishing Odyssey: 5th ICCC/IFIP conference held at the University of Kent - ELPUB 2001, Canterbury, UK, July 5-7, 2001. Proceedings IOS Press 2001
6 Peter Linde, John Smith, Elena Emilianova: Electronic Publishing 2000, Electronic Publishing in the Third Millenium: 4th ICCC/IFIP conference held at Kaliningrad/Svetlogorsk - ELPUB 2000, Kaliningrad, Russia, August 17-19, 2000. Proceedings ICCC Press, Washington DC, USA 2000
5 John Smith, Anders Ardö, Peter Linde: Electronic Publishing '99, Redefining the Information Chain - New Ways and Voices: 3rd ICCC/IFIP conference held at the University of Karlskrona/Ronneby - ELPUB 1999, Karlskrona, Sweden, May 10-12, 1999. Proceedings ICCC Press, Washington DC, USA 1999
4 Fytton Rowland, John Smith: 2nd ICCC/IFIP Conference "Towards the Information Rich Society" held at the Central European University, Budapest - ELPUB 1998, Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 1998. Proceedings ICCC Press, Washington DC, USA 1998
3 John Smith: 1st ICCC/IFIP conference held at the University of Kent - ELPUB1997, Canterbury, UK, April 14-16, 1997. Proceedings ELPUB 1997 1997
2 Prasun Dewan, Kevin Jeffay, John Smith, P. David Stotts, William Oliver: Early Prototypes of the Repository for Patterned Injury Data. DL 1995: 0-
1EEPatricia Baird, Dennis E. Egan, Walter Kintsch, John Smith, Norbert A. Streitz: Cognitive Aspects of Designing Hypertext Systems. Hypertext 1989: 397

Coauthor Index

1Anders Ardö [5]
2Patricia Baird [1]
3Prasun Dewan [2]
4Dennis E. Egan [1]
5Elena Emilianova [6]
6Arved C. Hübler [7]
7Kevin Jeffay [2]
8Walter Kintsch [1]
9Peter Linde [5] [6] [7]
10William Oliver [2]
11Fytton Rowland [4]
12P. David Stotts [2]
13Norbert A. Streitz (Norbert Streitz, N. Streitz) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)