
Frederick Smith

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6EECorinna Cortes, Kathleen Fisher, Daryl Pregibon, Anne Rogers, Frederick Smith: Hancock: A language for analyzing transactional data streams. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 26(2): 301-338 (2004)
5EEFrederick Smith, Dan Grossman, J. Gregory Morrisett, Luke Hornof, Trevor Jim: Compiling for template-based run-time code generation. J. Funct. Program. 13(3): 677-708 (2003)
4EEFrederick Smith, David Walker, J. Gregory Morrisett: Alias Types. ESOP 2000: 366-381
3EEDan Bonachea, Kathleen Fisher, Anne Rogers, Frederick Smith: Hancock: a language for processing very large-scale data. DSL 1999: 163-176
2EEFrederick Smith, J. Gregory Morrisett: Comparing Mostly-Copying and Mark-Sweep Conservative Collection. ISMM 1998: 68-78
1 Dexter Kozen, Frederick Smith: Kleene Algebra with Tests: Completeness and Decidability. CSL 1996: 244-259

Coauthor Index

1Dan Bonachea [3]
2Corinna Cortes [6]
3Kathleen Fisher [3] [6]
4Dan Grossman [5]
5Luke Hornof [5]
6Trevor Jim [5]
7Dexter Kozen [1]
8J. Gregory Morrisett (Greg Morrisett) [2] [4] [5]
9Daryl Pregibon [6]
10Anne Rogers [3] [6]
11David Walker [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)