
Brian Christopher Smith

Brian C. Smith

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14EEKetan Mayer-Patel, Brian C. Smith, Lawrence A. Rowe: The berkeley software MPEG-1 video decoder. TOMCCAP 1(1): 110-125 (2005)
13EEWendy Hall, Philippe Aigrain, Dick C. A. Bulterman, Lawrence A. Rowe, Brian Christopher Smith: Multimedia research: the grand challenges for the next decade (panel session). ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 187-188
12EESugata Mukhopadhyay, Brian Christopher Smith: Passive capture and structuring of lectures. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 477-487
11EEDexter Kozen, Yaron Minsky, Brian C. Smith: Efficient Algorithms for Optimal Video Transmission. Data Compression Conference 1998: 229-238
10EESoam Acharya, Brian C. Smith: Compressed Domain Transcoding of MPEG. ICMCS 1998: 295-304
9EERobert Szewczyk, Andras Ferencz, Henry Andrews, Brian C. Smith: Motion and Feature-Based Video Metamorphosis. ACM Multimedia 1997: 273-281
8 Jefferson Han, Brian C. Smith: CU-SeeMe VR Immersive Desktop Teleconferencing. ACM Multimedia 1996: 199-207
7EEBrian C. Smith, Lawrence A. Rowe: Compressed Domain Processing of JPEG-encoded imaages. Real-Time Imaging 2(1): 3-17 (1996)
6EEJonathan Swartz, Brian C. Smith: A Resolution Independent Video Language. ACM Multimedia 1995: 179-188
5EEAsif Ghias, Jonathan Logan, David Chamberlin, Brian C. Smith: Query by Humming: Musical Information Retrieval in an Audio Database. ACM Multimedia 1995: 231-236
4 Brian C. Smith: Fast Software Processing of Motion JPEG Video. ACM Multimedia 1994: 77-88
3 Ketan Patel, Brian C. Smith, Lawrence A. Rowe: Performance of a Software MPEG Video Decoder. ACM Multimedia 1993: 75-82
2 Lawrence A. Rowe, Brian C. Smith: A Continuous Media Player. NOSSDAV 1992: 376-386
1EELawrence A. Rowe, Joseph A. Konstan, Brian C. Smith, Steve Seitz, Chung Liu: The PICASSO applications framework. UIST 1991: 95-105

Coauthor Index

1Soam Acharya [10]
2Philippe Aigrain [13]
3Henry Andrews [9]
4Dick C. A. Bulterman [13]
5David Chamberlin [5]
6Andras Ferencz [9]
7Asif Ghias [5]
8Wendy Hall [13]
9Jefferson Han [8]
10Joseph A. Konstan [1]
11Dexter Kozen [11]
12Chung Liu [1]
13Jonathan Logan [5]
14Ketan Mayer-Patel (Ketan Patel) [3] [14]
15Yaron Minsky [11]
16Sugata Mukhopadhyay [12]
17Lawrence A. Rowe [1] [2] [3] [7] [13] [14]
18Steve Seitz [1]
19Jonathan Swartz [6]
20Robert Szewczyk [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)