
Barton A. Smith

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10EEGregorio Convertino, Thomas P. Moran, Barton A. Smith: Studying activity patterns in CSCW. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2339-2344
9EEAlex Cozzi, Stephen Farrell, Tessa A. Lau, Barton A. Smith, Clemens Drews, James Lin, Bob Stachel, Thomas P. Moran: Activity management as a Web service. IBM Systems Journal 45(4): 695-712 (2006)
8EEShumin Zhai, Per Ola Kristensson, Barton A. Smith: In search of effective text input interfaces for off the desktop computing. Interacting with Computers 17(3): 229-250 (2005)
7EEBarton A. Smith, Janet Ho, Wendy S. Ark, Shumin Zhai: Hand eye coordination patterns in target selection. ETRA 2000: 117-122
6EEPaul P. Maglio, Teenie Matlock, Christopher S. Campbell, Shumin Zhai, Barton A. Smith: Gaze and Speech in Attentive User Interfaces. ICMI 2000: 1-7
5EEShumin Zhai, Michael A. Hunter, Barton A. Smith: The metropolis keyboard - an exploration of quantitative techniques for virtual keyboard design. UIST 2000: 119-128
4 Shumin Zhai, Barton A. Smith: Multistream Input: An Experimental Study of Document Scrolling Methods. IBM Systems Journal 38(4): 642-651 (1999)
3 Shumin Zhai, Eser Kandogan, Barton A. Smith, Ted Selker: In Search of the `Magic Carpet': Design and Experimentation of a Bimanual 3D Navigation Interface. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 10(1): 3-17 (1999)
2EEShumin Zhai, Barton A. Smith, Ted Selker: Dual Stream Input for Pointing and Scrolling. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 305-306
1 Shumin Zhai, Barton A. Smith, Ted Selker: Improving Browsing Performance: A study of four input devices for scrolling and pointing tasks. INTERACT 1997: 286-293

Coauthor Index

1Wendy S. Ark [7]
2Christopher S. Campbell [6]
3Gregorio Convertino [10]
4Alex Cozzi [9]
5Clemens Drews [9]
6Stephen Farrell [9]
7Janet Ho [7]
8Michael A. Hunter [5]
9Eser Kandogan [3]
10Per Ola Kristensson (Per-Ola Kristensson) [8]
11Tessa A. Lau [9]
12James Lin [9]
13Paul P. Maglio [6]
14Teenie Matlock [6]
15Thomas P. Moran [9] [10]
16Ted Selker [1] [2] [3]
17Bob Stachel [9]
18Shumin Zhai [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)