
Andrei V. Smirnov

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7 Andrei V. Smirnov, Hanzhou Zhang: Surface Mesh Generation for Voxel-Based Objects by Energy Minimization. CISST 2005: 55-61
6 Andrew Burt, Hanzhou Zhang, Andrei V. Smirnov: Multi-Physics Modeling of Composite Systems. MSV 2005: 112-120
5 Andrei V. Smirnov, Hanzhou Zhang, B. Sowers, Andrew Burt, I. Celik: Remote Interface for Geometric Design and Simulation Control. CISST 2004: 241-247
4EEAndrei V. Smirnov, Hanzhou Zhang: Surface Mesh Generation on Voxel-Based Objects. IMR 2004: 289-298
3 Andrei V. Smirnov, Wade W. Huebsch, C. Menchini: A Flow-solver with Flexible Boundaries. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 258-263
2 Andrei V. Smirnov: Multi-physics Modeling Environment for Continuum and Discrete Dynamics. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 286-291
1EEA. Osman, H. Ammar, Andrei V. Smirnov, S. Shi, I. Celik: Scalability Analysis and Domain Decomposition of Large Eddy Simulations of Ship Wakes. AICCSA 2001: 213-212

Coauthor Index

1H. Ammar [1]
2Andrew Burt [5] [6]
3I. Celik [1] [5]
4Wade W. Huebsch [3]
5C. Menchini [3]
6A. Osman [1]
7S. Shi [1]
8B. Sowers [5]
9Hanzhou Zhang [4] [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)