
Alan D. Sloane

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3EEAlan D. Sloane: Modeling deployment and configuration of CORBA systems with UML (poster). ICSE 2000: 778
2EETheodore C. Goldstein, Alan D. Sloane: The Object Binary Interface: C++ Objects for Evolvable Shared Class Libraries. C++ Conference 1994: 1-20
1EEMichael F. Barnsley, Arnaud Jacquin, Francois Malassenet, Laurie Reuter, Alan D. Sloane: Harnessing chaos for image synthesis. SIGGRAPH 1988: 131-140

Coauthor Index

1Michael F. Barnsley [1]
2Theodore C. Goldstein [2]
3Arnaud Jacquin [1]
4Francois Malassenet [1]
5Laurie Reuter [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)