
Petr Slechta

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10EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Raymond J. Staron, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Pavel Vrba: A Strategy to Implement and Validate Industrial Applications of Holonic Systems. HoloMAS 2005: 111-120
9EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Raymond J. Staron, Kenwood Hall, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Vladimír Marík: An Intelligent Agent Validation Architecture for Distributed Manufacturing Organizations. BASYS 2004: 81-90
8EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Raymond J. Staron, Fred Discenzo, Kenwood Hall, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Vladimír Marík, David Scheidt, Michael Pekala, John Bracy: Integrating Multi-Agent Systems: A Case Study. BASYS 2004: 99-108
7EEPetr Slechta: Decomposition and Parallelization of Multi-resource Timetabling Problems. PATAT 2004: 177-189
6EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Fred Discenzo, Raymond J. Staron, Kenwood Hall: Distributed multi-agent architecture for automation systems. Expert Syst. Appl. 26(1): 49-56 (2004)
5EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Raymond J. Staron, Fred Discenzo, Kenwood Hall: A Highly Distributed Intelligent Multi-agent Architecture for Industrial Automation. CEEMAS 2003: 522-532
4EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Raymond J. Staron, Fred Discenzo, Kenwood Hall, Vladimír Marík: Cost-Based Dynamic Reconfiguration System for Evolving Holarchies. HoloMAS 2003: 310-320
3EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Pavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Raymond J. Staron, Fred Discenzo, Kenwood Hall, Vladimír Marík: Cost-based Dynamic Reconfiguration System for Intelligent Agent Negotiation. IAT 2003: 629-632
2EEFrancisco P. Maturana, Pavel Tichý, Raymond J. Staron, Petr Slechta: Using Dynamically Created Decision-Making Organizations (Holarchies) to Plan, Commit, and Execute Control Tasks in a Chilled Water System. DEXA Workshops 2002: 613-622
1EEPavel Tichý, Petr Slechta, Francisco P. Maturana, Sivaram Balasubramanian: Industrial MAS for Planning and Control. Multi-Agent-Systems and Applications 2001: 280-295

Coauthor Index

1Sivaram Balasubramanian [1]
2John Bracy [8]
3Fred Discenzo [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
4Kenwood Hall [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
5Vladimír Marík [3] [4] [8] [9]
6Francisco P. Maturana [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
7Michael Pekala [8]
8David Scheidt [8]
9Raymond J. Staron [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
10Pavel Tichý [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
11Pavel Vrba [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)