
Michal Skubacz

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12EEMaximilian Viermetz, Michal Skubacz, Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Dietmar Seipel: Tracking Topic Evolution in News Environments. CEC/EEE 2008: 215-220
11EECai-Nicolas Ziegler, Michal Skubacz, Maximilian Viermetz: Mining and Exploring Unstructured Customer Feedback Data Using Language Models and Treemap Visualizations. Web Intelligence 2008: 932-937
10EECai-Nicolas Ziegler, Michal Skubacz: Content Extraction from News Pages Using Particle Swarm Optimization on Linguistic and Structural Features. Web Intelligence 2007: 242-249
9EEMaximilian Viermetz, Michal Skubacz: Using Topic Discovery to Segment Large Communication Graphs for Social Network Analysis. Web Intelligence 2007: 95-99
8EECai-Nicolas Ziegler, Michal Skubacz: Towards Automated Reputation and Brand Monitoring on the Web. Web Intelligence 2006: 1066-1072
7EEMaximilian Viermetz, Carsten Stolz, Vassil Gedov, Michal Skubacz: Relevance and Impact of Tabbed Browsing Behavior on Web Usage Mining. Web Intelligence 2006: 262-269
6EECarsten Stolz, Maximilian Viermetz, Michal Skubacz, Ralph Neuneier: Improving Semantic Consistency of Web Sites by Quantifying User Intent. ICWE 2005: 308-317
5EEMichael N. Barth, Michal Skubacz, Carsten Stolz: Web Performance Indicator by Implicit User Feedback - Application and Formal Approach. WISE 2005: 689-700
4EECarsten Stolz, Maximilian Viermetz, Michal Skubacz, Ralph Neuneier: Guidance Performance Indicator - Web Metrics for Information Driven Web Sites. Web Intelligence 2005: 186-192
3EECarsten Stolz, Vassil Gedov, Kai Yu, Ralph Neuneier, Michal Skubacz: Measuring Semantic Relations of Web Sites by Clustering of Local Context. ICWE 2004: 182-186
2EEVassil Gedov, Carsten Stolz, Ralph Neuneier, Michal Skubacz, Dietmar Seipel: Matching web site structure and content. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 286-287
1EEMichal Skubacz, Jaakko Hollmén: Quantization of Continuous Input Variables for Binary Classification. IDEAL 2000: 42-47

Coauthor Index

1Michael N. Barth [5]
2Vassil Gedov [2] [3] [7]
3Jaakko Hollmén [1]
4Ralph Neuneier [2] [3] [4] [6]
5Dietmar Seipel [2] [12]
6Carsten Stolz [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Maximilian Viermetz [4] [6] [7] [9] [11] [12]
8Kai Yu [3]
9Cai-Nicolas Ziegler [8] [10] [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)