
S. L. Skorokhodov

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7EEA. I. Bogolubsky, S. L. Skorokhodov: Fast evaluation of the hypergeometric function pFp-1(a; b; z) at the singular point z = 1 by means of the Hurwitz zeta function zeta(alpha, s). Programming and Computer Software 32(3): 145-153 (2006)
6EEA. I. Bogolubsky, S. L. Skorokhodov: Construction of generalized Gauss-Jacobi quadratures by means of computer algebra methods. Programming and Computer Software 31(2): 103-109 (2005)
5EEAnna A. Ryabenko, S. L. Skorokhodov: Asymptotics of sums of hypergeometric terms. Programming and Computer Software 31(2): 65-72 (2005)
4EES. L. Skorokhodov, D. V. Khristoforov: Overcoming Instability in Evaluation of Generalized Hypergeometric Integrals in the Case of Crowding of Singular Points. Programming and Computer Software 31(3): 149-156 (2005)
3EEA. I. Bogolubsky, S. L. Skorokhodov: Pade Approximants, Symbolic Evaluations, and Computation of Solitons in Two-Field Antiferromagnet Model. Programming and Computer Software 30(2): 95-99 (2004)
2EES. L. Skorokhodov: Symbolic Transformations in the Problem of Analytic Continuation of the Hypergeometric Function pFp-1(z) to the Neighborhood of the Point z = 1 in the Logarithmic Case. Programming and Computer Software 30(3): 150-156 (2004)
1EES. L. Skorokhodov: Computer Algebra and Computing Special Functions. Programming and Computer Software 29(2): 75-82 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1A. I. Bogolubsky [3] [6] [7]
2D. V. Khristoforov [4]
3Anna A. Ryabenko [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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