
Alexander O. Skomorokhov

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14EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov, Alexander Nakhabov: Support vector machines in A+. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad 34(4): 8-17 (2004)
13EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov, Vladimir Kutinsky: Cooperative computing based on dyalog APL and the R statistical system. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad 34(1): 5-15 (2003)
12EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: Radial basis function networks in A+. APL 2002: 198-213
11EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov, Vladimir Kutinsky: Classification trees in APL: implementation and application. APL 2001: 101-113
10EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: A knowledge discovery method: APL implementation and application. APL 2000: 204-211
9EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: The SovAPL award for excellence in APL. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad 31(1): 29-30 (2000)
8EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov, Vladimir Kutinsky: Classification trees in APL: implementation and application. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad 31(2): 101-113 (2000)
7EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov, Michail T. Slepov: Pattern recognition in APL with application to reactor diagnostics. APL 1998: 164-172
6EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: Genetic Algorithms: APL2 Implementation and a Real Life Application. APL 1996: 97-106
5EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov, K.-H. Reinhardt, G. Roche, M. Tielemann: Fuzzy Control of Technological Processes in APL2. APL 1995: 179-184
4EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: Simulation of Mail Warehouse: An APL2 Solution for a Large Company Problem. APL 1994: 185-193
3EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: Adaptive Learning Networks in APL2. APL 1993: 219-229
2EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: Do Russian Children Like APL2?. APL 1992: 203-215
1EEAlexander O. Skomorokhov: Nuclear Power Plant Diagnostics in APL. APL 1991: 289-300

Coauthor Index

1Vladimir Kutinsky [8] [11] [13]
2Alexander Nakhabov [14]
3K.-H. Reinhardt [5]
4G. Roche [5]
5Michail T. Slepov [7]
6M. Tielemann [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)