
Zbigniew Skolicki

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4EEZbigniew Skolicki: Linkage in Island Models. Linkage in Evolutionary Computation 2008: 41-60
3EEZbigniew Skolicki, Kenneth A. De Jong: The influence of migration sizes and intervals on island models. GECCO 2005: 1295-1302
2EEZbigniew Skolicki: An analysis of island models in evolutionary computation. GECCO Workshops 2005: 386-389
1EEZbigniew Skolicki, Kenneth A. De Jong: Improving Evolutionary Algorithms with Multi-representation Island Models. PPSN 2004: 420-429

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth A. De Jong [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)