
Zoran Skocir

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4EEDamir Juric, Marko Banek, Zoran Skocir: Uncovering the Deep Web: Transferring Relational Database Content and Metadata to OWL Ontologies. KES (1) 2008: 456-463
3EEMarko Banek, Boris Vrdoljak, A. Min Tjoa, Zoran Skocir: Automating the Schema Matching Process for Heterogeneous Data Warehouses. DaWaK 2007: 45-54
2EEMarko Banek, Damir Juric, Ivo Pejakovic, Zoran Skocir: Distributed Architecture for Association Rule Mining. ADVIS 2006: 237-246
1EEBoris Vrdoljak, Marko Banek, Zoran Skocir: Integrating XML Sources into a Data Warehouse. DEECS 2006: 133-142

Coauthor Index

1Marko Banek [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Damir Juric [2] [4]
3Ivo Pejakovic [2]
4A Min Tjoa (A. Min Tjoa) [3]
5Boris Vrdoljak [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)