
Vladimir Sklenar

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7EERadim Belohlávek, Vladimir Sklenar, Jiri Zacpal, Erik Sigmund: Evaluation of Questionnaires Supported by Formal Concept Analysis. CLA 2007
6EEVladimir Sklenar, Martin Radvanský, Michal Dobes: Navigation in Knowledge-Based System for Helpdesk Based on FCA. ICCS 2007: 501-504
5 Radim Belohlávek, Vladimir Sklenar: Formal concept analysis over attributes with levels of granularity. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 619-624
4EERadim Belohlávek, Vladimir Sklenar: Formal Concept Analysis Constrained by Attribute-Dependency Formulas. ICFCA 2005: 176-191
3EERadim Belohlávek, Vladimir Sklenar, Jiri Zacpal: Crisply Generated Fuzzy Concepts. ICFCA 2005: 269-284
2EERadim Belohlávek, Vladimir Sklenar, Jiri Zacpal: Concept Lattices Constrained by Equivalence Relations. CLA 2004
1EERadim Belohlávek, Vladimir Sklenar, Jiri Zacpal: Concept Lattices Constrained by Attribute Dependencies. DATESO 2004: 63-73

Coauthor Index

1Radim Belohlávek [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
2Michal Dobes [6]
3Martin Radvanský [6]
4Erik Sigmund [7]
5Jiri Zacpal [1] [2] [3] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)