
Michael Sjöström

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3EEJonatan R. Ruiz, Jorge Ramirez-Lechuga, Francisco B. Ortega, José Castro-Piñero, José Manuel Benítez, Antonio Arauzo-Azofra, Cristobal Sanchez, Michael Sjöström, Manuel J. Castillo, Angel Gutierrez, Mikel Zabala: Artificial neural network-based equation for estimating VO2max from the 20 m shuttle run test in adolescents. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 44(3): 233-245 (2008)
2EEMax Bylesjö, Daniel Eriksson, Andreas Sjödin, Michael Sjöström, Stefan Jansson, Henrik Antti, Johan Trygg: MASQOT: a method for cDNA microarray spot quality control. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 250 (2005)
1EELennart Eriksson, Erik Johansson, Fredrik Lindgren, Michael Sjöström, Svante Wold: Megavariate analysis of hierarchical QSAR data. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 16(10): 711-726 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Antti [2]
2Antonio Arauzo-Azofra [3]
3José Manuel Benítez [3]
4Max Bylesjö [2]
5Manuel J. Castillo [3]
6José Castro-Piñero [3]
7Daniel Eriksson [2]
8Lennart Eriksson [1]
9Angel Gutierrez [3]
10Stefan Jansson [2]
11Erik Johansson [1]
12Fredrik Lindgren [1]
13Francisco B. Ortega [3]
14Jorge Ramirez-Lechuga [3]
15Jonatan R. Ruiz [3]
16Cristobal Sanchez [3]
17Andreas Sjödin [2]
18Johan Trygg [2]
19Svante Wold [1]
20Mikel Zabala [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)