
Steve Sistare

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5EESteve Sistare, Jack Test, Dave Plauger: An Architecture for Integrated Resource Management of MPI Jobs. CLUSTER 2002: 370-
4EESteve Sistare, Christopher J. Jackson: Ultra-high performance communication with MPI and the Sun fireTM link interconnect. SC 2002: 1-15
3EESandeep Kochhar, Mark Friedell, Joe Marks, Steve Sistare, Louis Weitzman: Interaction paradigms for human-computer cooperation in design. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 187-188
2 Steve Sistare, Don Allen, Rich Bowker, Karen Jourdenais, Josh Simons, Rich Title: Data Visualization and Performance Analysis in the Prism Programming Environment. Programming Environments for Parallel Computing 1992: 37-52
1EEMark Friedell, Mark Vincent LaPolla, Sandeep Kochhar, Steve Sistare, Janusz Juda: Visualizing the behavior of massively parallel programs. SC 1991: 472-480

Coauthor Index

1Don Allen [2]
2Rich Bowker [2]
3Mark Friedell [1] [3]
4Christopher J. Jackson [4]
5Karen Jourdenais [2]
6Janusz Juda [1]
7Sandeep Kochhar [1] [3]
8Mark Vincent LaPolla [1]
9Joe Marks [3]
10Dave Plauger [5]
11Josh Simons [2]
12Jack Test [5]
13Rich Title [2]
14Louis Weitzman [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)