
Purnendu Sinha

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17EEPhilippe Marchand, Purnendu Sinha: A hardware accelerator for controlling access to multiple-unit resources in safety/time-critical systems. IJICT 1(1): 62-75 (2007)
16EEAnjaneyulu Pasala, Srinivasa Rao, Srinivas Gunturu, Purnendu Sinha: An Approach Based on Modeling Dynamic Behavior of the System to Assess the Impact of COTS Upgrades. APSEC 2006: 19-26
15EEAmitava Biswas, Purnendu Sinha: On improving performance of Network Intrusion Detection Systems by efficient packet capturing. NOMS 2006
14 Amitava Biswas, Purnendu Sinha: A High Performance Packet Capturing Support for Alarm Management Systems. IASTED PDCS 2005: 175-180
13EEPhilippe Marchand, Purnendu Sinha: A Hardware Accelerator for Controlling Access to Multiple-Unit Resources in Safety/Time-Critical Systems. SAMOS 2005: 279-288
12EEPurnendu Sinha, Anil Hanumantharaya: A novel approach for component-based fault-tolerant software development. Information & Software Technology 47(6): 365-382 (2005)
11EEVasudevan Janarthanan, Purnendu Sinha: Modular Composition and Verification of Transaction Processing Protocols. ICDCS 2003: 450-
10EEAshish Tiwari, Purnendu Sinha, Umabharathi Ramachandran: On the Run-time Verification of Autonomy Software. SEW 2003: 58
9EEPurnendu Sinha, Da Qi Ren: Formal verification of dependable distributed protocols. Information & Software Technology 45(12): 873-888 (2003)
8EEAnil Hanumantharaya, Purnendu Sinha, Anjali Agarwal: A component-based design and compositional verification of a fault-tolerant multimedia communication protocol. Real-Time Imaging 9(6): 401-422 (2003)
7 Purnendu Sinha, Da Qi Ren: On the Use of Category Theory for Specification Composition of Dependable Distributed Protocols. IASTED PDCS 2002: 229-234
6 Purnendu Sinha, Neeraj Suri: On Simplifying Modular Specification and Verification of Distributed Protocols. HASE 2001: 173-181
5EEPurnendu Sinha, Neeraj Suri: Modular Composition of Redundancy Management Protocols in Distributed Systems: An Outlook on Simplifying Protocol Level Formal Specification & Verification. ICDCS 2001: 255-263
4EEPurnendu Sinha, Neeraj Suri: Identification of Test Cases Using a Formal Approach. FTCS 1999: 314-321
3EEPurnendu Sinha, Neeraj Suri: On the Use of Formal Techniques for Analyzing Dependable Real-Time Protocols. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1999: 126-135
2 Neeraj Suri, Purnendu Sinha: On the Use of Formal Techniques for Validation. FTCS 1998: 390-399
1EEMatthew S. Harelick, Thomas J. Marlowe, Alexander D. Stoyenko, Purnendu Sinha: A constraint function classification for complex systems development. ICECCS 1995: 286-

Coauthor Index

1Anjali Agarwal [8]
2Amitava Biswas [14] [15]
3Srinivas Gunturu [16]
4Anil Hanumantharaya [8] [12]
5Matthew S. Harelick [1]
6Vasudevan Janarthanan [11]
7Philippe Marchand [13] [17]
8Thomas J. Marlowe [1]
9Anjaneyulu Pasala [16]
10Umabharathi Ramachandran [10]
11Srinivasa Rao [16]
12Da Qi Ren [7] [9]
13Alexander D. Stoyen (Alexander D. Stoyenko) [1]
14Neeraj Suri [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
15Ashish Tiwari [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)