
R. K. Singh

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9 Anil Kumar, R. K. Singh, D. Seshachalam, R. K. Tripathi: Extension of Model Following Techniques to Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control for Non Linear Systems. World Congress on Engineering 2007: 397-402
8EER. K. Singh, A. K. Choudhury, M. K. Tiwari, Ravi Shankar: Improved Decision Neural Network (IDNN) based consensus method to solve a multi-objective group decision making problem. Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(3): 335-348 (2007)
7EEDharmender Singh Kushwaha, R. K. Singh, Arun Kumar Misra: Cognitive web based software development process: towards a more reliable approach. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(4): 1-6 (2006)
6EER. K. Singh, Pravin Chandra, Yogesh Singh: An evaluation of Boolean expression testing techniques. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(5): 1-6 (2006)
5EEGanesh Yadav, R. K. Singh, Vipin Chaudhary: On Implementation of MPEG-2 Like Real-Time Parallel Media Applications on MDSP SoC Cradle Architecture. EUC 2004: 281-290
4EED. K. Chaturvedi, Man Mohan, R. K. Singh, Prem Kumar Kalra: Improved generalized neuron model for short-term load forecasting. Soft Comput. 8(5): 370-379 (2004)
3EED. K. Chaturvedi, Man Mohan, R. K. Singh, Prem Kumar Kalra: Improved generalized neuron model for short-term load forecasting. Soft Comput. 8(1): 10-18 (2003)
2EER. K. Singh, A. N. Rajagopalan: Background Learning for Robust Face Recognition. ICPR (3) 2002: 525-528
1EER. K. Singh, R. S. Ramakrishna: Shadows and texture in computer vision. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(2): 133-141 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Pravin Chandra [6]
2D. K. Chaturvedi [3] [4]
3Vipin Chaudhary [5]
4A. K. Choudhury [8]
5Prem Kumar Kalra (Prem Kalra) [3] [4]
6Anil Kumar [9]
7Dharmender Singh Kushwaha [7]
8Arun Kumar Misra [7]
9Man Mohan [3] [4]
10A. N. Rajagopalan [2]
11R. S. Ramakrishna [1]
12D. Seshachalam [9]
13Ravi Shankar [8]
14Yogesh Singh [6]
15Manoj Kumar Tiwari (M. K. Tiwari) [8]
16R. K. Tripathi [9]
17Ganesh Yadav [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)