
James R. Simpson

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3EEYong Guo, James R. Simpson, Joseph J. Pignatiello Jr: The general balance metric for mixed-level fractional factorial designs. Quality and Reliability Eng. Int. 25(3): 335-344 (2009)
2EEJames R. Simpson, Drew Landman, Rupert Giroux, Michelle Zeisset, Brian Hall, Ray D. Rhew: Adapting second-order response surface designs to specific needs. Quality and Reliability Eng. Int. 24(3): 331-349 (2008)
1EEJames W. Wisnowski, James R. Simpson, Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger: Resampling methods for variable selection in robust regression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 43(3): 341-355 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Rupert Giroux [2]
2Yong Guo [3]
3Brian Hall [2]
4Joseph J. Pignatiello Jr [3]
5Drew Landman [2]
6Douglas C. Montgomery [1]
7Ray D. Rhew [2]
8George C. Runger [1]
9James W. Wisnowski [1]
10Michelle Zeisset [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)