
Claudio Silvestri

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11EEL. Leonardi, Salvatore Orlando, Alessandra Raffaetà, Alessandro Roncato, Claudio Silvestri: Frequent spatio-temporal patterns in trajectory data warehouses. SAC 2009: 1433-1440
10EEMaria Luisa Damiani, Claudio Silvestri, Elisa Bertino: Hierarchical Domains for Decentralized Administration of Spatially-Aware RBAC Systems. ARES 2008: 153-160
9 Salvatore Orlando, Alessandra Raffaetà, Alessandro Roncato, Claudio Silvestri: Trajectory Data Warehouses: Storing and Aggregating Frequent ST Patterns. SEBD 2008: 179-190
8EEMaria Luisa Damiani, Claudio Silvestri: Towards movement-aware access control. SPRINGL 2008: 39-45
7EEMaria Luisa Damiani, Elisa Bertino, Claudio Silvestri: Spatial Domains for the Administration of Location-based Access Control Policies. J. Network Syst. Manage. 16(3): 277-302 (2008)
6EESalvatore Orlando, Renzo Orsini, Alessandra Raffaetà, Alessandro Roncato, Claudio Silvestri: Spatio-temporal Aggregations in Trajectory Data Warehouses. DaWaK 2007: 66-77
5EEF. Braz, Salvatore Orlando, Renzo Orsini, Alessandra Raffaetà, Alessandro Roncato, Claudio Silvestri: Approximate Aggregations in Trajectory Data Warehouses. ICDE Workshops 2007: 536-545
4 Salvatore Orlando, Renzo Orsini, Alessandra Raffaetà, Alessandro Roncato, Claudio Silvestri: Trajectory Data Warehouses: Design Issues and Use Cases. SEBD 2007: 208-219
3EEClaudio Silvestri, Salvatore Orlando: Approximate mining of frequent patterns on streams. Intell. Data Anal. 11(1): 49-73 (2007)
2EEClaudio Silvestri, Salvatore Orlando: Distributed approximate mining of frequent patterns. SAC 2005: 529-536
1EESalvatore Orlando, Raffaele Perego, Claudio Silvestri: A new algorithm for gap constrained sequence mining. SAC 2004: 540-547

Coauthor Index

1Elisa Bertino [7] [10]
2F. Braz [5]
3Maria Luisa Damiani (Maria Damiani) [7] [8] [10]
4L. Leonardi [11]
5Salvatore Orlando [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [11]
6Renzo Orsini [4] [5] [6]
7Raffaele Perego [1]
8Alessandra Raffaetà [4] [5] [6] [9] [11]
9Alessandro Roncato [4] [5] [6] [9] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)