
Edward A. Silver

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5EEI. Nyoman Pujawan, Edward A. Silver: Augmenting the lot sizing order quantity when demand is probabilistic. European Journal of Operational Research 188(3): 705-722 (2008)
4 Nicolas Zufferey, Martin Studer, Edward A. Silver: Tabu Search for a Car Sequencing Problem. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 457-462
3EELinda Roberts, Leigh Rankin, Edward A. Silver, Darryl Moore, Stephanie Plunkett, David Washburn, Brenda Wilch-Ringen: Looks good to me. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 818-819
2EEStefan Minner, Edward A. Silver, David J. Robb: An improved heuristic for deciding on emergency transshipments. European Journal of Operational Research 148(2): 384-400 (2003)
1 Daniel Costa, Edward A. Silver: Tabu Search When Noise is Present: An Illustration in the Context of Cause and Effect Analysis. J. Heuristics 4(1): 5-23 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Costa [1]
2Stefan Minner [2]
3Darryl Moore [3]
4Stephanie Plunkett [3]
5I. Nyoman Pujawan [5]
6Leigh Rankin [3]
7David J. Robb [2]
8Linda Roberts [3]
9Martin Studer [4]
10David Washburn [3]
11Brenda Wilch-Ringen [3]
12Nicolas Zufferey [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)