
John Silva

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5EEBeverly Meadows, Jeffrey Abrams, Michaele Christian, John Silva, Carolyn Pifer, Claudine Valmonte, Pam West: The Common Data Element Dictionary-A Standard Nomenclature for the Reporting of Phase 3 Cancer Clinical Trial Data. CBMS 2001: 498-502
4EEK. Suzanne Barber, Thomas J. Graser, John Silva: Developing a Traceable Domain Reference Architecture to Support Clinical Trials at the National Cancer Institute - An Experience Report. ECBS 2001: 144-151
3EEK. Suzanne Barber, Thomas J. Graser, Stephen R. Jernigan, Brian J. McGiverin, John Silva: Application of the SEPA Methodology and Tool Suite to the National Cancer Institute. HICSS 1999
2 K. Suzanne Barber, Thomas J. Graser, Stephen R. Jernigan, John Silva: Increasing Opportunities for Reuse Through Tool and Methodology Support for Enterprise-Wide Requirements Reuse and Evolution. ICEIS 1999: 383-390
1 Stephen M. Griffin, Susan Molloy Hubbard, John Silva: Forword. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 1(3): 189-191 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jeffrey Abrams [5]
2K. Suzanne Barber (Kathleen Suzanne Barber) [2] [3] [4]
3Michaele Christian [5]
4Thomas J. Graser [2] [3] [4]
5Stephen M. Griffin [1]
6Susan Molloy Hubbard [1]
7Stephen R. Jernigan [2] [3]
8Brian J. McGiverin [3]
9Beverly Meadows [5]
10Carolyn Pifer [5]
11Claudine Valmonte [5]
12Pam West [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)