
Marcin Sikorski

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4 Marcin Sikorski: Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design: Proceedings of the Forth International Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design - TAMODIA 2005, Gdansk, Poland, September 26-27, 2005 ACM 2005
3EEMarcin Sikorski: Dirk Draheim, Gerald Weber: Form-oriented analysis. A new methodology to model form-based applications. Software and System Modeling 4(3): 346-347 (2005)
2EEMarcin Sikorski: Opportunities and barriers in implementing e-Services for citizens in Poland. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1031-1032
1EEMarcin Sikorski: Transferring Usability Engineering to Software Houses: Some Practical Experiences. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 45-46

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)