
Bengt Sigurd

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7EEBengt Sigurd, Barbara Gawronska: Modals As A Problem For MT. COLING 1994: 120-124
6EEBengt Sigurd, Caroline Willners, Mats Eeg-Olofsson, Christer Johansson: Deep Comprehension, Generation And Translation Of Weather Forecasts (Weathra). COLING 1992: 749-755
5EEBengt Sigurd: Implementing The Generalized Word Order Grammars Of Chomsky And Diderichsen. COLING 1990: 336-340
4EEBengt Sigurd, Barbara Gawronska-Werngren: The potential of Swetra - A multilanguage MT system. Machine Translation 3(2): 237-250 (1988)
3EEBengt Sigurd, Barbara Gawronska-Werngren: The potential of swetra - A multilanguage MT system. Machine Translation 3(3-4): 237-250 (1988)
2EEBengt Sigurd: Computer Simulation Of Spontaneous Speech Production. COLING 1984: 79-83
1EEMilan Bily, Bengt Sigurd: Developing The COMMENTATOR, A Computer System Simulating Verbal Production. COLING 1982: 42-45

Coauthor Index

1Milan Bily [1]
2Mats Eeg-Olofsson [6]
3Barbara Gawronska [7]
4Barbara Gawronska-Werngren [3] [4]
5Christer Johansson [6]
6Caroline Willners [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)