
Nicolas Sierro

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2EENicolas Sierro, Yuko Makita, Michiel J. L. de Hoon, Kenta Nakai: DBTBS: a database of transcriptional regulation in Bacillus subtilis containing upstream intergenic conservation information. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 93-96 (2008)
1EENicolas Sierro, Takehiro Kusakabe, Keun-Joon Park, Riu Yamashita, Kengo Kinoshita, Kenta Nakai: DBTGR: a database of tunicate promoters and their regulatory elements. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 552-555 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Michiel J. L. de Hoon [2]
2Kengo Kinoshita [1]
3Takehiro Kusakabe [1]
4Yuko Makita [2]
5Kenta Nakai [1] [2]
6Keun-Joon Park [1]
7Riu Yamashita [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)