
Ireneusz Sierocki

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6EEIreneusz Sierocki: A Feedback Transformation of the Planning Problems. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 9(3): 193-209 (1998)
5 Ireneusz Sierocki: A System-Theoretic Approach to Planning and Programming. EUROCAST 1995: 117-128
4 Ireneusz Sierocki: An Algebraic Transformation of the Minimum Automaton Identification Problem. EUROCAST 1993: 220-230
3 Ireneusz Sierocki: A Transformation of the Problems of Minimal Satisfaction of Constraints. EUROCAST 1991: 218-224
2 Ireneusz Sierocki: The Algebraic Algorithm A* for the Action Planning Problems. EUROCAST 1991: 506-513
1 Ireneusz Sierocki: On Determining the k-Nerode Equivalence For Tree Automata Inference. EUROCAST 1989: 182-190

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)