
Ingo Sieber

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3EEIngo Sieber, Ulrich Gengenbach, Rudolf Scharnowell: Robust Design of a Lens System of Variable Refraction Power with Respect to the Assembly Process. IPAS 2008: 87-93
2 Ingo Sieber, Karl-Heinz Suphan: Model-based Optimization of an Infrared Gas Sensor. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 334-338
1EEWilfried Jakob, Martina Gorges-Schleuter, Ingo Sieber: Comparison of Evolutionary Algorithms for Design Optimization. PPSN 1998: 917-926

Coauthor Index

1Ulrich Gengenbach [3]
2Martina Gorges-Schleuter [1]
3Wilfried Jakob [1]
4Rudolf Scharnowell [3]
5Karl-Heinz Suphan [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)