
Winfried Sickel

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7EEStephan Dahlke, Erich Novak, Winfried Sickel: Optimal approximation of elliptic problems by linear and nonlinear mappings III: Frames. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 614-648 (2007)
6EEStephan Dahlke, Erich Novak, Winfried Sickel: Optimal approximation of elliptic problems by linear and nonlinear mappings I. J. Complexity 22(1): 29-49 (2006)
5EEStephan Dahlke, Erich Novak, Winfried Sickel: Optimal approximation of elliptic problems by linear and nonlinear mappings II. J. Complexity 22(4): 549-603 (2006)
4EEStephan Dahlke, Erich Novak, Winfried Sickel: Optimal Approximation of Elliptic Problems II: Wavelet Methods. Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems 2004
3EEErich Novak, Stephan Dahlke, Winfried Sickel: Optimal Approximation of Elliptic Problems by Linear and Nonlinear Mappings. Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems 2004
2EEHans-Jürgen Schmeisser, Winfried Sickel: Spaces of functions of mixed smoothness and approximation from hyperbolic crosses. Journal of Approximation Theory 128(2): 115-150 (2004)
1EEThomas Kühn, Hans-Gerd Leopold, Winfried Sickel, Leszek Skrzypczak: Entropy numbers of Sobolev embeddings of radial Besov spaces. Journal of Approximation Theory 121(2): 244-268 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Stephan Dahlke [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Thomas Kühn [1]
3Hans-Gerd Leopold [1]
4Erich Novak [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Hans-Jürgen Schmeisser [2]
6Leszek Skrzypczak [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)