
Alessandro Siciliano

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7EEAntonio Cossidente, Nicola Durante, Giuseppe Marino, Tim Penttila, Alessandro Siciliano: The geometry of some two-character sets. Des. Codes Cryptography 46(2): 231-241 (2008)
6EEAntonio Cossidente, Alessandro Siciliano: The Automorphism Group of Plane Algebraic Curves with Singer Automorphisms. Des. Codes Cryptography 39(1): 33-37 (2006)
5EENicola Durante, Alessandro Siciliano: (B)-Geometries and flocks of hyperbolic quadrics. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 102(2): 425-431 (2003)
4 Antonio Cossidente, Domenico Labbate, Alessandro Siciliano: Veronese Varieties Over Finite Fields and Their Projections. Des. Codes Cryptography 22(1): 19-32 (2001)
3EEAntonio Cossidente, Alessandro Siciliano: On the Geometry of Hermitian Matrices of Order Three Over Finite Fields. Eur. J. Comb. 22(8): 1047-1058 (2001)
2 Antonio Cossidente, Alessandro Siciliano: A geometric construction of an optimal [67, 9, 30] binary code. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(3): 1187-1189 (2001)
1EEGábor Korchmáros, Alessandro Siciliano, Angelo Sonnino: 1-Factorizations of Complete Multigraphs Arising from Finite Geometry. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 93(2): 385-390 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Cossidente [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
2Nicola Durante [5] [7]
3Gábor Korchmáros [1]
4Domenico Labbate [4]
5Giuseppe Marino [7]
6Tim Penttila [7]
7Angelo Sonnino [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)