
Thomas R. Shultz

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10EEF. Dandurand, V. Berthiaume, Thomas R. Shultz: A systematic comparison of flat and standard cascade-correlation using a student-teacher network approximation task. Connect. Sci. 19(3): 223-244 (2007)
9EEThomas R. Shultz, François Rivest: Knowledge-based cascade-correlation: using knowledge to speed learning. Connect. Sci. 13(1): 43-72 (2001)
8 Thomas R. Shultz, François Rivest: Using Knowledge to Speed Learning: A Comparison of Knowledge-based Cascade-correlation and Multi-task Learning. ICML 2000: 871-878
7EEThomas R. Shultz, François Rivest: Knowledge-Based Cascade-Correlation. IJCNN (5) 2000: 641-646
6EEDenis Mareschal, Thomas R. Shultz: Development of Children's Seriation: A Connectionist Approach. Connect. Sci. 11(2): 149-186 (1999)
5EEThomas R. Shultz, Yuriko Oshima-Takane, Yoshio Takane: Analysis of Unstandardized Contributions in Cross Connected Networks. NIPS 1994: 601-608
4 Thomas R. Shultz, Denis Mareschal, William C. Schmidt: Modeling Cognitive Development on Balance Scale Phenomena. Machine Learning 16(1-2): 57-86 (1994)
3EEThomas R. Shultz, Jeffrey L. Elman: Analyzing Cross-Connected Networks. NIPS 1993: 1117-1124
2 Thomas R. Shultz: Simulating Stages of Human Cognitive Development With Connectionist Models. ML 1991: 105-109
1EEThomas R. Shultz: Propagating uncertainty in rule based cognitive modelling. UAI 1990: 33-40

Coauthor Index

1V. Berthiaume [10]
2F. Dandurand [10]
3Jeffrey L. Elman [3]
4Denis Mareschal [4] [6]
5Yuriko Oshima-Takane [5]
6François Rivest [7] [8] [9]
7William C. Schmidt [4]
8Yoshio Takane [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)