
William M. Shui

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12EERaymond K. Wong, Franky Lam, William M. Shui: Querying and maintaining a compact XML storage. WWW 2007: 1073-1082
11EEDamien K. Fisher, Franky Lam, William M. Shui, Raymond K. Wong: Dynamic labeling schemes for ordered XML based on type information. ADC 2006: 59-68
10EEWilliam M. Shui, Franky Lam, Damien K. Fisher, Raymond K. Wong: Querying and Maintaining Ordered XML Data using Relational Databases. ADC 2005: 85-94
9EEFranky Lam, William M. Shui, Damien K. Fisher, Raymond K. Wong: Skipping Strategies for Efficient Structural Joins. DASFAA 2004: 196-207
8EEWilliam M. Shui, Damien K. Fisher, Franky Lam, Raymond K. Wong: Effective Clustering Schemes for XML Databases. DEXA 2004: 569-579
7EEWilliam M. Shui, Raymond K. Wong, Stephen C. Graham, Lawrence K. Lee, W. Bret Church: A New Approach to Protein Structure and Function Analysis Using Semi-structured Databases. APBC 2003: 61-69
6EEWilliam M. Shui, Nicole Lam, Raymond K. Wong: A Novel Laboratory ersion Management System for Tracking Complex Biological Experiments. BIBE 2003: 133-140
5EEWilliam M. Shui, Raymond K. Wong: Application of XML Schema and Active Rules System in Management and Integration of Heterogeneous Biological Data. BIBE 2003: 367-374
4EEDamien K. Fisher, Franky Lam, William M. Shui, Raymond K. Wong: Efficient ordering for XML data. CIKM 2003: 350-357
3EEWilliam M. Shui, Raymond K. Wong, Stephen C. Graham, Lawrence K. Lee, W. Bret Church: Integrating, Managing and Analyzing Protein Structures with XML Databases. DASFAA 2003: 319-326
2 Raymond K. Wong, William M. Shui: Utilizing Multiple Bioinformatics Information Sources: An XML Database Approach. BIBE 2001: 73-80
1 Raymond K. Wong, Franky Lam, Stephen Graham, William M. Shui: An XML Repository for Molecular Sequence Data. BIBE 2000: 35-42

Coauthor Index

1W. Bret Church [3] [7]
2Damien K. Fisher [4] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Stephen Graham [1]
4Stephen C. Graham [3] [7]
5Franky Lam [1] [4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
6Nicole Lam [6]
7Lawrence K. Lee [3] [7]
8Raymond K. Wong [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)