
Magdi Shoucri

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5EEMagdi Shoucri: Numerical solution of the shallow water equations with a fractional step method. Computer Physics Communications 176(1): 23-32 (2007)
4EEE. Pohn, Magdi Shoucri, G. Kamelander: Eulerian Vlasov codes. Computer Physics Communications 166(2): 81-93 (2005)
3EEMagdi Shoucri, H. Gerhauser, K.-H. Finken: Study of the generation of a charge separation and electric field at a plasma edge using Eulerian Vlasov codes in cylindrical geometry. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 138-149 (2004)
2EEDavid J. Strozzi, Magdi Shoucri, A. Bers: Study of laser plasma interactions using an Eulerian Vlasov code. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 156-159 (2004)
1EEMagdi Shoucri: The application of a fractional steps method for the numerical solution of the shallow water equations. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 396-401 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1A. Bers [2]
2K.-H. Finken [3]
3H. Gerhauser [3]
4G. Kamelander [4]
5E. Pohn [4]
6David J. Strozzi [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)