
John Shortle

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10EEMartin J. Fischer, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi, John Shortle: Simulating the performance of a Class-Based Weighted Fair Queueing system. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2901-2908
9 Shane G. Henderson, Bahar Biller, Ming-Hua Hsieh, John Shortle, Jeffrey D. Tew, Russell R. Barton: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2007, Washington, DC, USA, December 9-12, 2007 WSC 2007
8EEJohn Shortle, Percy H. Brill: Analytical Distribution of Waiting Time in the M/{iD}/1 Queue. Queueing Syst. 50(2-3): 185-197 (2005)
7EEYue Xie, John Shortle, George Donohue: Airport Terminal-Approach Safety and Capacity Analysis Using an Agent-Based Model. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1349-1357
6EEJohn Shortle, Percy H. Brill, Martin J. Fischer, Donald Gross, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi: An Algorithm to Compute the Waiting Time Distribution for the M/G/1 Queue. INFORMS Journal on Computing 16(2): 152-161 (2004)
5EEJohn Shortle: An Equivalent Random Method with hyper-exponential service. Perform. Eval. 57(3): 409-422 (2004)
4EEJohn Shortle, Donald Gross, Brian L. Mark: Simulation of large networks: efficient simulation of the National Airspace System. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 441-448
3EEDonald Gross, John Shortle, Martin J. Fischer, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi: Simulation input analysis: difficulties in simulating queues with Pareto service. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 407-415
2EEJohn C. Sees Jr., John Shortle: Difficult queuing simulation problems: simulating M/G/1 queues with heavy-tailed service. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 433-438
1EEMartin J. Fischer, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi, Donald Gross, John Shortle, Percy H. Brill: Using quantile estimates in simulating internet queues with Pareto service times. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 477-485

Coauthor Index

1Russell R. Barton [9]
2Bahar Biller [9]
3Percy H. Brill [1] [6] [8]
4George Donohue [7]
5Martin J. Fischer [1] [3] [6] [10]
6Donald Gross [1] [3] [4] [6]
7Shane G. Henderson [9]
8Ming-Hua Hsieh [9]
9Brian L. Mark [4]
10Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi [1] [3] [6] [10]
11John C. Sees Jr. [2]
12Jeffrey D. Tew [9]
13Yue Xie [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)