
Peter E. Sholander

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6EEMarc R. Pearlman, Zygmunt J. Haas, Peter E. Sholander, Siamak S. Tabrizi: On the impact of alternate path routing for load balancing in mobile ad hoc networks. MobiHoc 2000: 3-10
5EEPeter E. Sholander, Henry L. Owen: The impact of mapping wander on the performance of SDH AU-4 and TU-3 uniform pointer processors. Computer Networks 31(5): 457-473 (1999)
4EEBruce A. Mah, Peter E. Sholander, Luis Martinez, Lawrence Tolendino: IPB: An Internet Protocol Benchmark using Simulated Traffic. MASCOTS 1998: 77-84
3 Thomas D. Tarman, Robert L. Hutchinson, Lyndon G. Pierson, Peter E. Sholander, Edward L. Witzke: Algorithm-Agile Encryption in ATM Networks. IEEE Computer 31(9): 57-64 (1998)
2 Peter E. Sholander, Chris Autry, Henry L. Owen: Mapping Wander in SONET/SDH Adaptive Threshold Modulation Pointer Processors. ICC (3) 1997: 1587-1591
1 Peter E. Sholander, Henry L. Owen: Simulation Model for Analysis of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Network Payload Jitter. MASCOTS 1995: 275-279

Coauthor Index

1Chris Autry [2]
2Zygmunt J. Haas [6]
3Robert L. Hutchinson [3]
4Bruce A. Mah [4]
5Luis Martinez [4]
6Henry L. Owen [1] [2] [5]
7Marc R. Pearlman [6]
8Lyndon G. Pierson [3]
9Siamak S. Tabrizi [6]
10Thomas D. Tarman [3]
11Lawrence Tolendino [4]
12Edward L. Witzke [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)