
Barack Shoham

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8 Amir Averbuch, Yehuda Roditty, Barack Shoham: Efficient line broadcasting in a d-dimensional grid. Discrete Applied Mathematics 113(2-3): 129-141 (2001)
7EEYehuda Roditty, Barack Shoham, Raphael Yuster: Monotone paths in edge-ordered sparse graphs. Discrete Mathematics 226(1-3): 411-417 (2001)
6 Amir Averbuch, Yehuda Roditty, Barack Shoham: Performance analysis of hybrid network multiprocessor architecture. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 12(9): 821-844 (2000)
5 Amir Averbuch, Yehuda Roditty, Barack Shoham: Scheduling tasks of multi-join queries in a multiprocessor. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(5): 247-279 (1999)
4EEYehuda Roditty, Barack Shoham: On Broadcasting Multiple Messages in a D-dimensional Grid. Discrete Applied Mathematics 75(3): 277-284 (1997)
3EEAmir Averbuch, Eran Gabber, Samuel Itzikowitz, Barack Shoham: On the Parallel Elliptic Single/Multigrid Solutions about Aligned and Nonaligned Bodies Using the Virtual Machine for Multiprocessors. Scientific Programming 3(1): 13-32 (1994)
2 Israel Gohberg, Israel Koltracht, Amir Averbuch, Barack Shoham: Timing Analysis of a Parallel Algorithm for Toeplitz Matrices on a MIMD Parallel Machine. ICPP (3) 1991: 312-313
1 Israel Gohberg, Israel Koltracht, Amir Averbuch, Barack Shoham: Timing analysis of a parallel algorithm for Toeplitz matrices on a MIMD parallel machine. Parallel Computing 17(4-5): 563-577 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Averbuch [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8]
2Eran Gabber [3]
3Israel Gohberg [1] [2]
4Samuel Itzikowitz [3]
5Israel Koltracht [1] [2]
6Yehuda Roditty [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Raphael Yuster [7]

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