
Masamichi Shimura

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26EETsuyoshi Murata, Hiroki Kato, Masamichi Shimura, Masayuki Numao: DIPS: Diagrammatic arithmetic problem solver. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(6): 112-120 (2002)
25EETsuyoshi Murata, Ran Hosoya, Shingo Kawabe, Masamichi Shimura: A problem solver for quadratic functions. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(2): 32-42 (2001)
24EETsuyoshi Murata, Masamichi Shimura: A method of inductive machine discovery based on experimental data acquisition. Systems and Computers in Japan 32(4): 69-75 (2001)
23 Raymund Sison, Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Multistrategy Discovery and Detection of Novice Programmer Errors. Machine Learning 38(1-2): 157-180 (2000)
22EETsuyoshi Murata, Masamichi Shimura: A method of machine discovery based on geometrical structure. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(6): 74-81 (1998)
21EERaymund Sison, Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Discovering Error Classes from Discrepancies in Novice Behaviors Via Multistrategy Conceptual Clustering. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 8(1-2): 103-129 (1998)
20 Rayond Sison, Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Using Data and Theory in Multistretegy (Mis)Concept(ion) Discovery. IJCAI (1) 1997: 274-279
19 Tsuyoshi Murata, Masamichi Shimura: Machine Discovery Based on Numerical Data Generated in Computer Experiments. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 737-742
18 Einoshin Suzuki, Masamichi Shimura: Exceptional Knowledge Discovery in Databases Based on Information Theory. KDD 1996: 275-278
17 Tsuyoshi Murata, Masami Mizutani, Masamichi Shimura: A Discovery System for Trigonometric Functions. AAAI 1994: 645-650
16 Masayuki Numao, T. Maruoka, Masamichi Shimura: Inductively Speeding Up Logic Programs. Machine Intelligence 13 1994: 441-458
15 Somkiat Tangkitvanich, Masamichi Shimura: Learning from an Approximate Theory and Noisy Examples. AAAI 1993: 466-471
14 Boonserm Kijsirikul, Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Discrimination-Based Constructive Induction of Logic Programs. AAAI 1992: 44-49
13 Somkiat Tangkitvanich, Masamichi Shimura: Refining a Relational Theory with Multiple Faults in the Concept and Subconcepts. ML 1992: 436-444
12 Boonserm Kijsirikul, Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Efficient Learning of Logic Programs with Non-determinant, Non-discriminating Literals. ML 1991: 417-421
11 Niall Murtagh, Masamichi Shimura: Parametric Engineering Design Using Constraint-Based Reasoning. AAAI 1990: 505-510
10EEMasayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: A Knowledge-Level Analysis of Explanation-Based Learning. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1990: 959-967
9 Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Explanation-Based Acceleration of Similarity-Based Learning. ML 1989: 58-60
8 Masamichi Shimura, Seiichiro Sakurai: Learning Arithmetic Problem Solver. AAAI 1986: 1036-1040
7 Masayuki Numao, Masamichi Shimura: Evaluation of Graph Representations with Active Nodes. RIMS Symposia on Software Science and Engineering 1984: 17-43
6 Riichiro Mizoguchi, Masamichi Shimura: Nonparametric Learning Without a Teacher Based on Mode Estimation. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(11): 1109-1117 (1976)
5EEToshio Imai, Masamichi Shimura: Learning with probabilistic labeling. Pattern Recognition 8(1): 5-10 (1976)
4 Riichiro Mizoguchi, Masamichi Shimura: An Approach to Unsupervised Learning Classification. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(10): 979-983 (1975)
3 Masamichi Shimura, Frank H. George: Rule-Oriented Methods in Problem Solving. Artif. Intell. 4(3): 203-223 (1973)
2EEMasamichi Shimura: Recognizing machines with parametric and nonparametric learning methods using contextual information. Pattern Recognition 5(2): 149-168 (1973)
1EEMasamichi Shimura, Toshio Imai: Nonsupervised classification using the principal component. Pattern Recognition 5(4): 353-363 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Frank H. George [3]
2Ran Hosoya [25]
3Toshio Imai [1] [5]
4Hiroki Kato [26]
5Shingo Kawabe [25]
6Boonserm Kijsirikul [12] [14]
7T. Maruoka [16]
8Riichiro Mizoguchi [4] [6]
9Masami Mizutani [17]
10Tsuyoshi Murata [17] [19] [22] [24] [25] [26]
11Niall Murtagh [11]
12Masayuki Numao [7] [9] [10] [12] [14] [16] [20] [21] [23] [26]
13Seiichiro Sakurai [8]
14Raymund Sison [21] [23]
15Rayond Sison [20]
16Einoshin Suzuki [18]
17Somkiat Tangkitvanich [13] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)