
Masashi Shimbo

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10EEMamoru Komachi, Taku Kudo, Masashi Shimbo, Yuji Matsumoto: Graph-based Analysis of Semantic Drift in Espresso-like Bootstrapping Algorithms. EMNLP 2008: 1011-1020
9EELuh Yen, Marco Saerens, Amin Mantrach, Masashi Shimbo: A family of dissimilarity measures between nodes generalizing both the shortest-path and the commute-time distances. KDD 2008: 785-793
8EEMasashi Shimbo, Takahiko Ito, Yuji Matsumoto: Evaluation of kernel-based link analysis measures on research paper recommendation. JCDL 2007: 354-355
7EETakahiko Ito, Masashi Shimbo, Daichi Mochihashi, Yuji Matsumoto: Investigating the Effect of Multiple Communities on Kernel-Based Citation Analysis. ICDE Workshops 2006: 113
6EETakahiko Ito, Masashi Shimbo, Daichi Mochihashi, Yuji Matsumoto: Exploring Multiple Communities with Kernel-Based Link Analysis. PKDD 2006: 235-246
5EETakahiko Ito, Masashi Shimbo, Taku Kudo, Yuji Matsumoto: Application of kernels to link analysis. KDD 2005: 586-592
4EEMasashi Shimbo, Takahiro Yamasaki, Yuji Matsumoto: Sentence Role Identification in Medline Abstracts: Training Classifier with Structured Abstracts. Active Mining 2003: 236-254
3EEMasashi Shimbo, Toru Ishida: Controlling the learning process of real-time heuristic search. Artif. Intell. 146(1): 1-41 (2003)
2 Masashi Shimbo, Toru Ishida: Towards Real-Time Search with Inadmissible Heuristics. ECAI 2000: 609-613
1 Toru Ishida, Masashi Shimbo: Improving the Learning Efficiencies of Realtime Search. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 305-310

Coauthor Index

1Toru Ishida [1] [2] [3]
2Takahiko Ito [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Mamoru Komachi [10]
4Taku Kudo [5] [10]
5Amin Mantrach [9]
6Yuji Matsumoto [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Daichi Mochihashi [6] [7]
8Marco Saerens [9]
9Takahiro Yamasaki [4]
10Luh Yen [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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