
Kazutaka Shimada

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4EEKazutaka Shimada, Tsutomu Endo: Seeing Several Stars: A Rating Inference Task for a Document Containing Several Evaluation Criteria. PAKDD 2008: 1006-1014
3EEKazutaka Shimada, Daigo Hashimoto, Tsutomu Endo: A Graph-Based Approach for Sentiment Sentence Extraction. PAKDD Workshops 2008: 38-48
2EETsunehito Seki, Kazutaka Shimada, Tsutomu Endo: Acquisition of synonyms using relations in product specification tables. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(12): 25-36 (2007)
1 Kazutaka Shimada, Tsutomu Endo: Product Specifications Summarization and Product Ranking System Using User's Requests. EJC 2003: 315-332

Coauthor Index

1Tsutomu Endo [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Daigo Hashimoto [3]
3Tsunehito Seki [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)