
Katsunori Shida

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5EEHiroshi Wakuya, Hiroyuki Harada, Katsunori Shida: An architecture of self-organizing map for temporal signal processing and its application to a Braille recognition task. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(3): 62-71 (2007)
4EEHiroshi Wakuya, Kazuo Yamashita, Katsunori Shida: Signal processing for brain temperature change detection by noninvasive measurement: An independent component analysis approach. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(6): 80-90 (2007)
3EEHiroshi Wakuya, Katsunori Shida: Time series prediction by a neural network model based on bi-directional computation style: A study on generalization performance with the computer-generated time series "Data Set D". Systems and Computers in Japan 34(10): 64-75 (2003)
2 Hiroshi Wakuya, Katsunori Shida: Reversed Pattern Generation Phenomenon Observed in a Sensorimotor Coordinated System. ICONIP 1998: 482-485
1EEHiroshi Wakuya, Katsunori Shida: A study on an integrated neural network model of motor control and sensory reception systems. KES (3) 1998: 497-504

Coauthor Index

1Hiroyuki Harada [5]
2Hiroshi Wakuya [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Kazuo Yamashita [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)