
Yongbing Shi

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5EEYongbing Shi: On simple MCD graphs containing a subgraph homeomorphic to K4. Discrete Mathematics 126(1-3): 325-338 (1994)
4EEYongbing Shi: The number of cycles in a hamilton graph. Discrete Mathematics 133(1-3): 249-257 (1994)
3EEYongbing Shi: The number of edges in a maximum cycle - distributed graph. Discrete Mathematics 104(2): 205-209 (1992)
2EEYongbing Shi: On maximum cycle-distributed graphs. Discrete Mathematics 71(1): 57-71 (1988)
1EEYongbing Shi: Some theorems of uniquely pancyclic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 59(1-2): 167-180 (1986)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)