
Wenzhong Shi

John Wenzhong Shi

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16EEJohn Wenzhong Shi, Y. Tian: A hybrid interpolation method for the refinement of a regular grid digital elevation model. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20(1): 53-67 (2006)
15EEKimfung Liu, Wenzhong Shi: Computing the fuzzy topological relations of spatial objects based on induced fuzzy topology. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20(8): 857-883 (2006)
14EEZhigang Liu, Wenzhong Shi, Deren Li, Qianqing Qin: Partially Supervised Classification - Based on Weighted Unlabeled Samples Support Vector Machine. ADMA 2005: 118-129
13EEHanning Yuan, Wenzhong Shi, Jiabing Sun: Mining Standard Land Price with Tension Spline Function. ADMA 2005: 792-803
12EEShuliang Wang, Wenzhong Shi, Hanning Yuan, Guoqing Chen: Attribute Uncertainty in GIS Data. FSKD (2) 2005: 614-623
11EEBisheng Yang, John Wenzhong Shi, Qingquan Li: An integrated TIN and Grid method for constructing multi-resolution digital terrain models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(10): 1019-1038 (2005)
10EEShuliang Wang, Hanning Yuan, Guoqing Chen, Deren Li, Wenzhong Shi: Rough Spatial Interpretation. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 435-444
9EEChui Kwan Cheung, Wenzhong Shi, Xian Zhou: A Probability-based Uncertainty Model for Point-in-Polygon Analysis in GIS. GeoInformatica 8(1): 71-98 (2004)
8EEXiaohua Tong, Wenzhong Shi, Dajie Liu: An error model of circular curve features in GIS. GIS 2003: 141-146
7EEWenzhong Shi, Chui Kwan Cheung, Changqing Zhu: Modelling error propagation in vector-based buffer analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17(3): 251-271 (2003)
6EEWenzhong Shi, Bisheng Yang, Qingquan Li: An object-oriented data model for complex objects in three-dimensional geographical information systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17(5): 411-430 (2003)
5 Matthew Yick Cheung Pang, Wenzhong Shi: Development of a Process-Based Model for Dynamic Interaction in Spatio-Temporal GIS. GeoInformatica 6(4): 323-344 (2002)
4EEHuayi Wu, Jianya Gong, Deren Li, Wenzhong Shi: An algebraic algorithm for point inclusion query. Computers & Graphics 24(4): 517-522 (2000)
3EEWenzhong Shi, Wenbao Liu: A stochastic process-based model for the positional error of line segments in GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14(1): 51-66 (2000)
2EEWenzhong Shi, Matthew Yick Cheung Pang: Development of Voronoi-based cellular automata -an integrated dynamic model for Geographical Information Systems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14(5): 455-474 (2000)
1 Wenzhong Shi: A Generic Statistical Approach for Modelling Error of Geometric Features in GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12(2): 131-143 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Guoqing Chen [10] [12]
2Chui Kwan Cheung [7] [9]
3Jianya Gong [4]
4Deren Li [4] [10] [14]
5Qingquan Li [6] [11]
6Dajie Liu [8]
7Kimfung Liu [15]
8Wenbao Liu [3]
9Zhigang Liu [14]
10Matthew Yick Cheung Pang [2] [5]
11Qianqing Qin [14]
12Jiabing Sun [13]
13Y. Tian [16]
14Xiaohua Tong [8]
15Shuliang Wang [10] [12]
16Huayi Wu [4]
17Bisheng Yang [6] [11]
18Hanning Yuan [10] [12] [13]
19Xian Zhou [9]
20Changqing Zhu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)