
Jiuh-Biing Sheu

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9EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: A hybrid neuro-fuzzy analytical approach to mode choice of global logistics management. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 971-986 (2008)
8EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: A coordinated reverse logistics system for regional management of multi-source hazardous wastes. Computers & OR 34(5): 1442-1462 (2007)
7EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: Microscopic modeling and control logic for incident-responsive automatic vehicle movements in single-automated-lane highway systems. European Journal of Operational Research 182(2): 640-662 (2007)
6EEJiuh-Biing Sheu, Mei-Shiang Chang: Stochastic Optimal-Control Approach to Automatic Incident-Responsive Coordinated Ramp Control. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8(2): 359-367 (2007)
5EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: A multi-layer demand-responsive logistics control methodology for alleviating the bullwhip effect of supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research 161(3): 797-811 (2005)
4EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: A fuzzy clustering approach to real-time demand-responsive bus dispatching control. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 150(3): 437-455 (2005)
3EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: A sequential detection approach to real-time freeway incident detection and characterization. European Journal of Operational Research 157(2): 471-485 (2004)
2EETung-Lai Hu, Jiuh-Biing Sheu: A fuzzy-based customer classification method for demand-responsive logistical distribution operations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 139(2): 431-450 (2003)
1EEJiuh-Biing Sheu: A fuzzy clustering-based approach to automatic freeway incident detection and characterization. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128(3): 377-388 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Mei-Shiang Chang [6]
2Tung-Lai Hu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)