
Simon Sherman

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7EEGleb R. Haynatzki, Vera R. Haynatzka, Paola Ghiorzo, Simon Sherman: PCCR Study for Italy: Meat Consumption, Preparation, and Meat-Derived Carcinogens on the Risk of Sporadic Pancreatic Cancer. HICSS 2009: 1-9
6EEHesham H. Ali, Simon Sherman: Minitrack: Advanced Data Management Tools for Biomedical Informatics. HICSS 2007: 127
5 Li Xiao, Kai Fu, Javeed Iqbal, Wing C. Chan, Simon Sherman: Identification of genes important in predicting the overall survival in patients with follicular lymphoma. DMIN 2005: 181-186
4EEHesham H. Ali, Simon Sherman: Introduction to Mini-Track: Advanced Computational Approaches and IT Techniques in Bioinformatics. HICSS 2005
3EELi Xiao, Linfeng Cao, Javeed Iqbal, Guimei Zhou, Wing C. Chan, Simon Sherman: MicroMultitest: Ranking Differentially-Expressed Genes in Microarray Data. HICSS 2005
2EELi Xiao, Oleg Shats, Simon Sherman: Grid-Layout Visualization Method in the Microarray Data Analysis Interactive Graphics Toolkit. HICSS 2003: 276
1 Oleg Shats, Iosif I. Vaisman, A. Shats, Simon Sherman: SECOST: sequence-conformation-structure database for amino acid residues in proteins. Bioinformatics 15(6): 525-526 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Hesham H. Ali [4] [6]
2Linfeng Cao [3]
3Wing C. Chan [3] [5]
4Kai Fu [5]
5Paola Ghiorzo [7]
6Vera R. Haynatzka [7]
7Gleb R. Haynatzki [7]
8Javeed Iqbal [3] [5]
9A. Shats [1]
10Oleg Shats [1] [2]
11Iosif I. Vaisman [1]
12Li Xiao [2] [3] [5]
13Guimei Zhou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)