
Yihua Philip Sheng

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5EEYihua Philip Sheng, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr., Charles R. Litecky: Competitor analysis and its defenses in the e-marketplace. Commun. ACM 48(8): 107-112 (2005)
4 Yihua Philip Sheng, Zhong Chen, Shahram Rahimi, Srinivas Mandalapu: A Light-weight Distributed Web Search Engine: Distributed Web Crawling Part. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 197-200
3 Yihua Philip Sheng, Wen-Chi Hou, Zhong Chen: An Application of Knowledge Discovery Techniques on Stock Market. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 83-86
2EEYihua Philip Sheng: A Dynamic and Adaptive Bargaining Algorithm for Intelligent Selling Agents in Electronic Commerce. Int. J. Comput. Syst. Signal 5(1): 43-57 (2004)
1 Yihua Philip Sheng: Exploring the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Information Quality on Firms? Endeavor on Information Systems. IQ 2003: 344-353

Coauthor Index

1Zhong Chen [3] [4]
2Wen-Chi Hou [3]
3Charles R. Litecky (Chuck Litecky) [5]
4Srinivas Mandalapu [4]
5Peter Mykytyn (Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.) [5]
6Shahram Rahimi [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)