
Anil M. Shende

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15EETiziana Calamoneri, Emanuele G. Fusco, Anil M. Shende, Sunil M. Shende: Proxy Assignments for Filling Gaps in Wireless Ad-Hoc Lattice Computers. SIROCCO 2007: 208-221
14EEVishakha Gupta, Gaurav Mathur, Anil M. Shende: Wireless ad hoc lattice computers (WAdL). J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(4): 531-541 (2006)
13EEMadhusudana V. S. Shashanka, Amrita Pati, Anil M. Shende: A Characterisation of Optimal Channel Assignments for Cellular and Square Grid Wireless Networks. MONET 10(1-2): 89-98 (2005)
12EEAlan A. Bertossi, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Romeo Rizzi, Anil M. Shende: Channel assignment for interference avoidance in honeycomb wireless networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(12): 1329-1344 (2004)
11EEAlan A. Bertossi, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Romeo Rizzi, Anil M. Shende: Channel Assignment in Honeycomb Networks. ICTCS 2003: 150-162
10EEMadhusudana V. S. Shashanka, Amrita Pati, Anil M. Shende: A Characterisation of Optimal Channel Assignments for Wireless Networks Modelled as Cellular and Square Grids. IPDPS 2003: 221
9EEAniket Dubhashi, Madhusudana V. S. Shashanka, Amrita Pati, Shashank Ramaprasad, Anil M. Shende: Channel Assignment for Wireless Networks Modelled as d-Dimensional Square Grids. IWDC 2002: 130-141
8EEGanesh Narayanaswamy, Anil M. Shende, Praveen Vipranarayanan: -Systolic Broadcasting in a Wrapped Butterfly Network. IWDC 2002: 98-107
7EEJohn Case, Dayanand S. Rajan, Anil M. Shende: Lattice computers for approximating Euclidean space. J. ACM 48(1): 110-144 (2001)
6 Mario R. Sanchez, Anil M. Shende: Time Accountability for Lattice Computers. TIME 1996
5 Ganesh Baliga, Anil M. Shende: Learning-Theoretic Perspectives of Acceptable Numberings. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 17(3-4): 177-187 (1996)
4EEDayanand S. Rajan, Anil M. Shende: A characterization of root lattices. Discrete Mathematics 161(1-3): 309-314 (1996)
3 Ganesh Baliga, Anil M. Shende: On Space Bounded Server Algorithms. ICCI 1993: 77-81
2 John Case, Dayanand S. Rajan, Anil M. Shende: Representing the Spatial/Kinematic Domain and Lattice Computers. AII 1992: 1-25
1 John Case, Dayanand S. Rajan, Anil M. Shende: Optimally Representing Euclidean Space Discretely for Analogically Simulating Physical Phenomena. FSTTCS 1990: 190-203

Coauthor Index

1Ganesh Baliga [3] [5]
2Alan A. Bertossi [11] [12]
3Tiziana Calamoneri [15]
4John Case [1] [2] [7]
5Aniket Dubhashi [9]
6Emanuele G. Fusco [15]
7Vishakha Gupta [14]
8Gaurav Mathur [14]
9Ganesh Narayanaswamy [8]
10Amrita Pati [9] [10] [13]
11Maria Cristina Pinotti [11] [12]
12Dayanand S. Rajan [1] [2] [4] [7]
13Shashank Ramaprasad [9]
14Romeo Rizzi [11] [12]
15Mario R. Sanchez [6]
16Madhusudana V. S. Shashanka [9] [10] [13]
17Sunil M. Shende [15]
18Praveen Vipranarayanan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)