2008 |
6 | EE | Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin,
Dietmar Jannach,
Gerhard Friedrich:
xCrawl: A High-Recall Crawling Method for Web Mining.
ICDM 2008: 550-559 |
2007 |
5 | EE | Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin,
Dietmar Jannach,
Gerhard Friedrich,
Olga Kozeruk:
AllRight: Automatic Ontology Instantiation from Tabular Web Documents.
ISWC/ASWC 2007: 466-479 |
4 | EE | Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin,
Dietmar Jannach,
Gerhard Friedrich:
Clustering web documents with tables for information extraction.
K-CAP 2007: 169-170 |
2006 |
3 | EE | Gerhard Friedrich,
Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin:
NameIt: Extraction of product names.
ICDM Workshops 2006: 29-33 |
2 | EE | Alexander Felfernig,
Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin:
Debugging user interface descriptions of knowledge-based recommender applications.
IUI 2006: 234-241 |
2005 |
1 | EE | Gerhard Friedrich,
Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin:
A General Diagnosis Method for Ontologies.
International Semantic Web Conference 2005: 232-246 |