
Kim A. Sharp

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3EENinad V. Prabhu, Manoranjan Panda, Qingyi Yang, Kim A. Sharp: Explicit ion, implicit water solvation for molecular dynamics of nucleic acids and highly charged molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(7): 1113-1130 (2008)
2EERobert E. Bruccoleri, Jiri Novotny, Malcolm E. Davis, Kim A. Sharp: Finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatic calculations: Increased accuracy achieved by harmonic dielectric smoothing and charge antialiasing. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(2): 268-276 (1997)
1 S. Sridharan, Antony Nicholls, Kim A. Sharp: A Rapid Method for Calculating Derivatives of Solvent Accessible Surface Areas of Molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(8): 1038-1044 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Robert E. Bruccoleri [2]
2Malcolm E. Davis [2]
3Antony Nicholls [1]
4Jiri Novotny [2]
5Manoranjan Panda [3]
6Ninad V. Prabhu [3]
7S. Sridharan [1]
8Qingyi Yang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)