
Zhong Shao

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46 Zhong Shao, Benjamin C. Pierce: Proceedings of the 36th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2009, Savannah, GA, USA, January 21-23, 2009 ACM 2009
45EEXinyu Feng, Zhong Shao, Yuan Dong, Yu Guo: Certifying low-level programs with hardware interrupts and preemptive threads. PLDI 2008: 170-182
44EEXinyu Feng, Zhong Shao, Yu Guo, Yuan Dong: Combining Domain-Specific and Foundational Logics to Verify Complete Software Systems. VSTTE 2008: 54-69
43 Zhong Shao: Programming Languages and Systems, 5th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2007, Singapore, November 29-December 1, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
42EEXinyu Feng, Rodrigo Ferreira, Zhong Shao: On the Relationship Between Concurrent Separation Logic and Assume-Guarantee Reasoning. ESOP 2007: 173-188
41EEAndrew McCreight, Zhong Shao, Chunxiao Lin, Long Li: A general framework for certifying garbage collectors and their mutators. PLDI 2007: 468-479
40EEHongxu Cai, Zhong Shao, Alexander Vaynberg: Certified self-modifying code. PLDI 2007: 66-77
39EEChunxiao Lin, Andrew McCreight, Zhong Shao, Yiyun Chen, Yu Guo: Foundational Typed Assembly Language with Certified Garbage Collection. TASE 2007: 326-338
38EEXinyu Feng, Zhaozhong Ni, Zhong Shao, Yu Guo: An open framework for foundational proof-carrying code. TLDI 2007: 67-78
37EEZhaozhong Ni, Dachuan Yu, Zhong Shao: Using XCAP to Certify Realistic Systems Code: Machine Context Management. TPHOLs 2007: 189-206
36EEXinyu Feng, Zhong Shao, Alexander Vaynberg, Sen Xiang, Zhaozhong Ni: Modular verification of assembly code with stack-based control abstractions. PLDI 2006: 401-414
35EEZhaozhong Ni, Zhong Shao: Certified assembly programming with embedded code pointers. POPL 2006: 320-333
34EEXinyu Feng, Zhong Shao: Modular verification of concurrent assembly code with dynamic thread creation and termination. ICFP 2005: 254-267
33EEZhong Shao, Valery Trifonov, Bratin Saha, Nikolaos Papaspyrou: A type system for certified binaries. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 27(1): 1-45 (2005)
32EEDachuan Yu, Zhong Shao: Verification of safety properties for concurrent assembly code. ICFP 2004: 175-188
31EENadeem Abdul Hamid, Zhong Shao: Interfacing Hoare Logic and Type Systems for Foundational Proof-Carrying Code. TPHOLs 2004: 118-135
30EEDachuan Yu, Nadeem Abdul Hamid, Zhong Shao: Building certified libraries for PCC: dynamic storage allocation. Sci. Comput. Program. 50(1-3): 101-127 (2004)
29 Zhong Shao, Peter Lee: Proceedings of TLDI'03: 2003 ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Types in Languages Design and Implementation, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 18, 2003 ACM 2003
28EEChristopher League, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov: Precision in Practice: A Type-Preserving Java Compiler. CC 2003: 106-120
27EEDachuan Yu, Nadeem Abdul Hamid, Zhong Shao: Building Certified Libraries for PCC: Dynamic Storage Allocation. ESOP 2003: 363-379
26EEBratin Saha, Valery Trifonov, Zhong Shao: Intensional analysis of quantified types. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 25(2): 159-209 (2003)
25EENadeem Abdul Hamid, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov, Stefan Monnier, Zhaozhong Ni: A Syntactic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code. J. Autom. Reasoning 31(3-4): 191-229 (2003)
24EEStefan Monnier, Zhong Shao: Inlining as staged computation. J. Funct. Program. 13(3): 647-676 (2003)
23EEDachuan Yu, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov: Supporting Binary Compatibility with Static Compilation. Java™ Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium 2002: 165-180
22EENadeem Abdul Hamid, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov, Stefan Monnier, Zhaozhong Ni: A Syntactic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code. LICS 2002: 89-100
21EEZhong Shao, Bratin Saha, Valery Trifonov, Nikolaos Papaspyrou: A type system for certified binaries. POPL 2002: 217-232
20EEChristopher League, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov: Type-preserving compilation of Featherweight Java. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 24(2): 112-152 (2002)
19 Stefan Monnier, Bratin Saha, Zhong Shao: Principled Scavenging. PLDI 2001: 81-91
18EEZhong Shao: Invited Talk: Towards a Principled Multi-Language Infrastructure. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 59(1): (2001)
17EEValery Trifonov, Bratin Saha, Zhong Shao: Fully reflexive intensional type analysis. ICFP 2000: 82-93
16EEZhong Shao, Andrew W. Appel: Efficient and safe-for-space closure conversion. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 22(1): 129-161 (2000)
15EEValery Trifonov, Zhong Shao: Safe and Principled Language Interoperation. ESOP 1999: 128-146
14EEChristopher League, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov: Representing Java Classes in a Typed Intermediate Language. ICFP 1999: 183-196
13EEZhong Shao: Transparent Modules with Fully Syntactic Signatures. ICFP 1999: 220-232
12EEZhong Shao: Typed Cross-Module Compilation. ICFP 1998: 141-152
11EEZhong Shao, Christopher League, Stefan Monnier: Implementing Typed Intermediate Languages. ICFP 1998: 313-323
10EEZhong Shao, Valery Trifonov: Type-Directed Continuation Allocation. Types in Compilation 1998: 116-135
9EEBratin Saha, Zhong Shao: Optimal Type Lifting. Types in Compilation 1998: 156-177
8EEZhong Shao: Typed Common Intermediate Format. DSL 1997: 89-102
7 Zhong Shao: Flexible Representation Analysis. ICFP 1997: 85-98
6 Andrew W. Appel, Zhong Shao: Empirical and Analytic Study of Stack Versus Heap Cost for Languages with Closures. J. Funct. Program. 6(1): 47-74 (1996)
5 Zhong Shao, Andrew W. Appel: A Type-Based Compiler for Standard ML. PLDI 1995: 116-129
4EEZhong Shao, Andrew W. Appel: Space-Efficient Closure Representations. LISP and Functional Programming 1994: 150-161
3EEZhong Shao, John H. Reppy, Andrew W. Appel: Unrolling Lists. LISP and Functional Programming 1994: 185-195
2 Zhong Shao, Andrew W. Appel: Smartest Recompilation. POPL 1993: 439-450
1 Andrew W. Appel, Zhong Shao: Callee-Save Registers in Continuation-Passing Style. Lisp and Symbolic Computation 5(3): 191-221 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew W. Appel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [16]
2Hongxu Cai [40]
3Yiyun Chen [39]
4Yuan Dong [44] [45]
5Xinyu Feng [34] [36] [38] [42] [44] [45]
6Rodrigo Ferreira [42]
7Yu Guo [38] [39] [44] [45]
8Nadeem Abdul Hamid [22] [25] [27] [30] [31]
9Christopher League [11] [14] [20] [28]
10Peter Lee [29]
11Long Li [41]
12Chunxiao Lin [39] [41]
13Andrew McCreight [39] [41]
14Stefan Monnier [11] [19] [22] [24] [25]
15Zhaozhong Ni [22] [25] [35] [36] [37] [38]
16Nikolaos Papaspyrou [21] [33]
17Benjamin C. Pierce [46]
18John H. Reppy [3]
19Bratin Saha [9] [17] [19] [21] [26] [33]
20Valery Trifonov [10] [14] [15] [17] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [28] [33]
21Alexander Vaynberg [36] [40]
22Sen Xiang [36]
23Dachuan Yu [23] [27] [30] [32] [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)