
Jing Shao

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2EEUlrike Meyer, Jing Shao, Saurish Chakrabarty, Sebastian F. Brandt, Harald Luksch, Ralf Wessel: Distributed delays stabilize neural feedback systems. Biological Cybernetics 99(1): 79-87 (2008)
1EEQinghua Zheng, Jing Shao, Haifeng Dang, Huixian Bai: Technical Issues of Sharing and Integration of OPAC and E-Learning Resources. ICADL 2004: 213-219

Coauthor Index

1Huixian Bai [1]
2Sebastian F. Brandt [2]
3Saurish Chakrabarty [2]
4Haifeng Dang [1]
5Harald Luksch [2]
6Ulrike Meyer [2]
7Ralf Wessel [2]
8Qinghua Zheng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)