
Carron Shankland

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18EESoufiene Benkirane, Jane Hillston, Chris McCaig, Rachel Norman, Carron Shankland: Improved Continuous Approximation of PEPA Models through Epidemiological Examples. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 229(1): 59-74 (2009)
17EEChris McCaig, Rachel Norman, Carron Shankland: Process Algebra Models of Population Dynamics. AB 2008: 139-155
16EESavi Maharaj, Carron Shankland, Charles Rattray: Preface. Theor. Comput. Sci. 351(2): 129-130 (2006)
15 Charles Rattray, Savi Maharaj, Carron Shankland: Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 10th International Conference, AMAST 2004, Stirling, Scotland, UK, July 12-16, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
14 Dexter Kozen, Carron Shankland: Mathematics of Program Construction, 7th International Conference, MPC 2004, Stirling, Scotland, UK, July 12-14, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
13EECarron Shankland, Jeremy Bryans, Lionel Morel: Expressing Iterative Properties Logically in a Symbolic Setting. AMAST 2004: 460-474
12EERachel Norman, Carron Shankland: Developing the Use of Process Algebra in the Derivation and Analysis of Mathematical Models of Infectious Disease. EUROCAST 2003: 404-414
11EEPeter Robinson, Carron Shankland: Combating Infinite State Using Ergo. FORTE 2003: 144-159
10EEJohn Cooke, Savi Maharaj, Judi Romijn, Carron Shankland: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 14(3): 199 (2003)
9EEColin J. Fidge, Carron Shankland: But What if I Don't Want to Wait Forever? Formal Asp. Comput. 14(3): 281-294 (2003)
8EEMuffy Calder, Savi Maharaj, Carron Shankland: A Modal Logic for Full LOTOS based on Symbolic Transition Systems. Comput. J. 45(1): 55-61 (2002)
7EEMuffy Calder, Savi Maharaj, Carron Shankland: An Adequate Logic for Full LOTOS. FME 2001: 384-395
6 Muffy Calder, Carron Shankland: A Symbolic Semantics and Bisimulation for Full LOTOS. FORTE 2001: 185-200
5 Jeremy Bryans, Carron Shankland: Implementing a Modal Logic over Data and Processes using XTL. FORTE 2001: 201-218
4EECarron Shankland, Alberto Verdejo: A case study in abstraction using E-LOTOS and the FireWire. Computer Networks 37(3/4): 481-502 (2001)
3EESavi Maharaj, Carron Shankland: A Survey of Formal Methods Applied to Leader Election in IEEE 1394. J. UCS 6(11): 1145-1163 (2000)
2EECarron Shankland, Mark van der Zwaag: The Tree Identify Protocol of IEEE 1394 in µCRL. Formal Asp. Comput. 10(5-6): 509-531 (1998)
1 Carron Shankland, Muffy Thomas: Symbolic Bisimulation for Full LOTOS. AMAST 1997: 479-493

Coauthor Index

1Soufiene Benkirane [18]
2Jeremy Bryans [5] [13]
3Muffy Calder (Muffy Thomas) [1] [6] [7] [8]
4John Cooke [10]
5Colin J. Fidge [9]
6Jane Hillston [18]
7Dexter Kozen [14]
8Savi Maharaj [3] [7] [8] [10] [15] [16]
9Chris McCaig [17] [18]
10Lionel Morel [13]
11Rachel Norman [12] [17] [18]
12Charles Rattray [15] [16]
13Peter Robinson [11]
14Judi Romijn [10]
15Alberto Verdejo [4]
16Mark van der Zwaag [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)