2008 |
23 | EE | Kendall E. Atkinson,
Lawrence F. Shampine:
Algorithm 876: Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind in Matlab.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 34(4): (2008) |
22 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Matlab program for quadrature in 2D.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 202(1): 266-274 (2008) |
21 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Dissipative approximations to neutral DDEs.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 203(2): 641-648 (2008) |
2007 |
20 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Accurate numerical derivatives in MATLAB.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 33(4): (2007) |
19 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
Skip Thompson:
Moving averages of solutions of ODEs.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 193(1): 175-182 (2007) |
18 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
Skip Thompson:
Stiff systems.
Scholarpedia 2(3): 2855 (2007) |
17 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
Skip Thompson:
Initial value problems.
Scholarpedia 2(3): 2861 (2007) |
2005 |
16 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
Robert Ketzscher,
Shaun A. Forth:
Using AD to solve BVPs in MATLAB.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 31(1): 79-94 (2005) |
15 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Two-step Lax-Friedrichs method.
Appl. Math. Lett. 18(10): 1134-1136 (2005) |
14 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
Skip Thompson,
Jacek Kierzenka,
G. D. Byrne:
Non-negative solutions of ODEs.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(1): 556-569 (2005) |
13 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Error Estimation and Control for ODEs.
J. Sci. Comput. 25(1): 3-16 (2005) |
2001 |
12 | EE | Jacek Kierzenka,
Lawrence F. Shampine:
A BVP solver based on residual control and the Maltab PSE.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 27(3): 299-316 (2001) |
1996 |
11 | | Lawrence F. Shampine,
M. W. Reichelt:
Developing ODE software in new computing environments.
Quality of Numerical Software 1996: 224-235 |
1981 |
10 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Evaluation of a Test Set for Stiff ODE Solvers.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 7(4): 409-420 (1981) |
1979 |
9 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Storage Reduction for Runge-Kutta Codes.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 5(3): 245-250 (1979) |
1978 |
8 | | Paul B. Bailey,
Lawrence F. Shampine:
Automatic Solution of Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problems.
Codes for Boundary-Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1978: 274-279 |
7 | EE | Paul B. Bailey,
M. K. Gordon,
Lawrence F. Shampine:
Automatic Solution of the Sturm-Liouville Problem.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4(3): 193-208 (1978) |
6 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Stability Properties of Adams Codes.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 4(4): 323-329 (1978) |
1977 |
5 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Stiff and Nonstiff Differential Equation Solvers, II: Detecting Stiffness with Runge-Kutta Methods.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 3(1): 44-53 (1977) |
1976 |
4 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
H. A. Watts:
Global Error Estimates for Ordinary Differential Equations.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 2(2): 172-186 (1976) |
3 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine,
H. A. Watts:
Algorithm 504: GERK: Global Error Estimation For Ordinary Differential Equations [D].
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 2(2): 200-203 (1976) |
1975 |
2 | | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Discrete Least Squares Polynomial Fits.
Commun. ACM 18(3): 179-180 (1975) |
1970 |
1 | EE | Lawrence F. Shampine:
Efficiency of a Procedure for Near-Minimax Approximation.
J. ACM 17(4): 655-660 (1970) |